Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Can someone tell me what this means?^^^

I thought English was your mother tongue. Oh, well:

You see, Barry, there's a substance called Melanin. No, you can't smoke it, so don't get your hopes up.

Anyway, some folks, like Tritone, have an abundance of it. They often get a lot of crap about it. Sometimes, like with Tritone, they deserve getting crap, although recent studies have shown, it's more a cultural thing than a factor of the said substance.

Then there's folks who lack this "Melanin." Biologically, that includes dudes like you and me and others descending from the European continent. Other studies have shown that some of these also behave in a cultural fashion much like the melanin proficient, so it's not surprising you're confused.

Either way, it means you don't know what you're talking about. Again. But don't you worry none. I'm here to help.