Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I thought you were sure that Nate was MPZ? So this Meat character must be Nate, too? So Meat is a Piss Ant?

He's definitely a pissant, but that's besides the point. You're referring to this exchange?

Originally Posted By: J.B.

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Mopez had game.

No he didn't. Never did. Never will.

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
This douche is nothing but whiny cry bitch, hating on everything and not producing anything.

Just like MPZ.

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Add in the bragging on hookers, racism and Obamma hate, and I'd say it sounds more like a Coke Stevens-tard, just trying to cop enough of TaRAPEz vibe to throw everyone off.

There were some similarity in the incessant "Look at me" schtick, but that's superficial. What remains constant, though, is you defending MPZ till you're blue in the face. Like here:

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I read the PM I sent her, one sentence was about Meat not being Mpz.

Why you gotta say it at all? She wasn't even mentioned in the Skurt thread and barely referenced in passing. How come YOU gotta defend him? Cant Meat defend himself? If he ain't MPZ, why is a defense even necessary?

You fuckers give it away every time.