Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Meat aint Mpz. Ask Gia about it. . .
If you don't wanna believe me, don't believe me. Just know that somewhere, Mopezart is laughing his balls off.

Yeah, my guess is right next to you.

Originally Posted By: The Meat
Watch out he'll piss on your fuckin' shoes, man.

How was Breitbart's funeral? Or were you precluded from attending for fear of being subpoenaed?

You two skells and the Texan think nobody's paying attention. Funny, as soon as I post this:


  • Out of nowhere fringe political shit
  • Tangentally porn related
  • On THIS Board
  • Featuring some Tea Party Broad
  • E-mailed to a guy from Jersey

you guys badger Steve to unblock the old MPZ account for the sole purpose of reworking the sig:

Aside from the anachronistic date on that, you're still posting about twinks, ya fucken Poof.

Listen, like I told Stewie: Don't think you fucktards can pull a fast one just because the grownups are having an argument. Nobody likes that.

MPZ New Sig.JPG (268 downloads)