Growing up I never knew what we were. I actually thought we were Catholics for the longest time because we went to tons of their long ass weddings and funerals.
I see more value in Faith than I do religion, at least in my home. I understand the "crutch" metaphor and the last refuge of a scoundrel thing, but I think that's what Faith is supposed to be. And if you go through your life never needing a crutch or never needing refuge, bully for you. Frankly I'm envious of the shiny happy people who go through their lives a little happier because their Faith tells them, and they believe, that God doesn't give them anything they can't handle.
But to get back to my own home, my kid's "real" dad died when he was 2 1/2. He talks about his dad a lot, about God and Heaven. I don't have the Faith, I don't believe, but to tell a 3 year old that his dad is sitting in a box and that's it...well, it just seems right to tell what I believe is a little white lie. And I'll keep telling him is dad is in a better place, looking down on him. And if he continues to believe it as he gets older, I'll encourage it.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE