My cat loves licking my hair right after I shower and get ready to go out. She'll wait underneath a table just outside my bathroom door until I come out. The she'll hop up on the bed and do little excited motions and meows until I come over and bend down for her. Then she'll jump up and put her paws on my forehead and lick my bangs. It's really quite adorable.

When I go downstairs to leave, she runs down to the bottom of the stairs to wait on this flat part of the bannister so she can get another lick of my hair. Then she'll go to the front window and watch as I drive away. When I get back later, she'll usually hop back up on the window until I come inside and when I wipe my feet on the rug, she'll jump down and sharpen her claws on it at the same time.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.