Eh hem.

Alex, this pilfering of Frankie's creation is a road you would be wise to not travel. We have members of the NY Bar on staff, along w/ your address and apt # on file. Filing, serving and being awarded a judgement would not be a difficult task. The fact that you are on a green card means all this nonsense may well affect your ability to reside in our great land.

On a bright note, I know of a dwarf you are friendly with, that has a place for you to stay, in Kiev. He'll eat all the poop you can feed him.

Oh, another deterrent may be the possibility of Frankie having some Beaner Brothers w/ contacts in Brooklyn, should you decide to go ahead with the theft of intellectual property. All of this being a totally hypothetical, mental exercise, of course. Neither I, nor my fake client, would ever consider physical harm as a proper resolution to the fake situation, as we are sure you would not seriously consider following through with the theft.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral