Without those retards coming to town every weekend during the fall, you wouldn't have even had a town. State College would just be a shittier version of Bellefonte.

Speak for yourself. I didn't move to the shitty town because it was my choice, you did. If it weren't for the retards who move to State College (I'm looking at you) you are right, there would be no town. And was certainly smart enough to live there after age 18.

Bellefonte is a rather pleasant place to live. No stampeding hoards of retards worshiping a game.

And you missed but got my point at the same time. Much better to live in Bellefonte. They don't have traditional summer riots. Or riots over university employes being fired. Give me Bellefonte any day.

Bellefonte is a small town in PA. State College is a town filled with entitled little brats who have no respect for the place and get recycled with new idiots every year. Oh yeah and it now has cameras on every street corner. Great place to live.

You might remember back to the 1850s when PSU was an agriculture school not an athletics school. It should have stayed that way.

These are everywhere in State College. Bellefonte is much better.

Look how PSU displays it's impressive intellect:

Did this happen because of stupid PSU students or peaceful Bellfonte residents? I can't seem to tell...
