Her list for the perfect man...
1.Brushes his teeth three times or more per day
2. Is enrolled in or has already completed a graduate program
3. Works out regularly
4. Is at least 5'11" and weighs at least 180lbs
5. Speaks more than one language
6. Doesn't have coarse or thick hair
7. Doesn't eat junk food
8. Owns more than 5 nice suits
9. Wear button downs and cufflinks to night clubs
10. Gets along with his mother
11. Knows how to read music
12. Is good at math
13. Cares about politics
14. Drives a car that is very nice AND is within his budget
15. Has a budget and stays within it
16. Has a great sense of style
17. Can pick-out really hot clothing for his female friends
18. Eats vegetables
19. Is not homophobic
20. Is true to his faith or else admits that he has none
21. Looks up to his father
22. Knows his way around NYC
23. Ties his own ties
24. Is invited to lots of dinner parties
25. Can at least cook breakfast
26. Is athletic with great coordination
27. Is an asshole with quick wit
28. Makes the first move
29. Doesn't automatically do what he's told
30. Is very classy and distinguished in public
...but knows when to whoop ass.
Please somebody Gag Factor this chick!