Originally Posted By: cqd
Growing up around the cult of psu football. I have no doubt people would still be worshiping him even and making blind apologies for him even if they found out he held down boys for Sandusky.

Rename his branch of the library, discontinue his ice cream flavor, remove all paterno related plaques from campus, tear down that statue. With explosives.
The manager of the Penn State Ice Cream Store had this to say about Peachy Paterno (which I love by the way....best ice cream they produce):

“Peachy Paterno ice cream is still being manufactured and sold in the Creamery salesroom,” Berkey Creamery Manager Thomas Palchak said. “We reiterate this ice cream was named in honor of Joe Paterno’s academic contributions to Penn State University and does not have any connection to the football program in particular or athletics in general.

“The flavor was developed in 1989 and awarded to Mr. Paterno in 1990. Revenue generated from the sale of Creamery ice cream is allocated toward graduate assistantships and undergraduate internships in the Food Science Department.”

As far as the library goes....that's a tricky issue in that Joe and his wife led a fundraising campaign that raised nearly 14 million dollars toward the construction costs...and he actually donated several million dollars of his own money as well. So, it's more a case where the naming rights were essentially fueled by money contributed, if not actually bought out right.

But yeah, I agree that there will be lots of people who will defend JoePa to the end...and I don't believe a video of Sandusky and Paterno gang raping a bunch of boys would change that....Hell there are people who defend O.J. Simpson and Michael Jackson to this day...and they actually did something directly.

I'm a Penn State alum...but a life long Pitt fan, so I hate to admit it, but I take a degree of perverse pleasure in seeing the PSU football program take it on the chin...and JoePa being knocked down off his pedestal....but then I regain sight of the real story...that of a serial predator who victimized countless children...and I come back to the reality of the whole horrific affair and the fact that no pleasure can be garnered from this.

I held it against JoePa for killing the Pitt-PSU rivalry because he could be a little man (he was pissed that Pitt refused to go along with his idea of an all east coast conference back in the early 80's & he never got over it)...but I always actually respected the guy & the fact that at least he got it when it came to why the kids were there in the 1st place...and education...and his kids by and large actually graduated. Boy, was the respect that I gave the "enemy" misplaced or what?

I know much of the cover-up was over image and all...and that royally backfired. But I believe it is often ignored that Sandusky had been at PSU for nearly 30 years himself AND he and Joe were actually friends (as well as some of the other players in the whole mess). I would hope people wouldn't let friendship get in the way in a case like this...but let's be real....the whole friendship angle had to have come into play as well.

The sad thing is that I don't believe anyone (besides Sandusky anyway) will ever know the truth. You will have some victims that will never come forward because of the stigma associated with being a victim of this type crime, or for some other reason...plus you will have some who simply had contact with Sandusky as a kid who now want to cash in by saying something more happened. What we do know is bad enough...but I don't believe it to be a stretch to say that the REAL picture would be 1000x worse.