When it comes to ugly tattoos, I like subtlety. A pretty girl with something really stupid like a Zune logo tattooed on her thigh, stuff like that. Everybody else on this thread has done a really good job of finding the kind of extremely ugly ink that takes dedication and a whole lot of stupid, so I thought it made more sense to look for the money on the table.

Until now. I think I've finally stumbled across some truly horrendous, fucked-up ink. Maybe it won't win first prize, but it definitely should get an honorable mention when the votes on this thread are finally tallied.

Hey punk girl...

Don't be shy. Show us what you got.

My eyes. The goggles, they do nothing.

I think she's hot, hot, hot and that gives her vagina tattoo bonus points. The cat-nose-and-whiskers, though, makes me wonder. That doesn't seem like a smart tattoo at all.

-- Rear Admiral