Dr Pretorious: If that comment was real, then yea - I think Jeremy's been dealing with being abused, dominated and intimidated for a VERY long time. I think he actually is just now figuring out how his situation is viewed - I also think it's possible that he doesn't know what a healthy relationship even is (he was an only child and is a bit of an introvert so considering that he was most likely regularly able to have sex with Lucky he probably just took the psychological abuse as "normal" - maybe he's always dated women like that and is even attracted to such women due to being dysfunctional and naturally submissive. Maybe he had a domineering mom even).
I think Jeremy smoking as much weed as he does probably numbs him to what would normally piss a man off when it comes to Lucky's behavior. I don't know if he does anything other than weed and I don't care to know.
I don't think Lucky is bitter - I actually think that she got exactly what she wanted from Jeremy. She seems to be really into being a "pornstar" from what I've read on her blog and her being with Jeremy (as weird as he is) DID help to pull her into the lime light since he's been in the circuit for a really long time. Pornstar couples tend to attract attention and popularity more so than single pornstars do. People I think are fascinated by how pornstar couples are even "couples" while fucking other people.
I personally doubt that their relationship is over - they'll probably stay together in their abusive "break up, humiliate each other, get back together" cycle forever. People notice them as a couple (and them being a couple makes them seem more "normal") but no one notices either of them that much solo. Separate Lucky is just an older asian chick and Jeremy is just a short older white guy - but together they're a "hot swinging interracial progressive pornstar unit" - get it?
To Jerkules: I think in regards to the comment Jeremy supposedly wrote, he meant he would rather masterbate than fuck her - I could be wrong, but that's how I read it.
i read this earlier and thought shit this actually is well written and intelligent.lets get some more posts like this.
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage