Exactly. A Sugar Momma doesn't want a strong, independent man. She would be looking for someone damaged and easily controllable.

I re read the blog comment, and this stuck out like a sore thumb:

"I never question your "selfishness" when you want to spend money on exotic dancers and "happy ending" masseurs.?"

Chicks do the happy ending thing too? Is it like a gloved finger bang, or do they get full on fucked?

It would also mean she basically cuckolded Steele. That is fucked up.

Bitch giving him reasons why she'd rather rub one out than fuck him? I'm not much for hitting women, but that might just provoke a slap and a dick in the ass.

I don't feel like doing the cut and paste, but anyone interested should really click Monica's link and read the interaction between her and Lucky. Monica did the right thing by keeping the dialogue in the public's view. If taken to DM, then it would have been more she said/she said, with Lucky attempting to manipulate Monica and the situation, like she did to Steele.

Asians are more racist than honkies.

I love the fact that Lucky says "You do realize, you're saying all this publicly so everyone can read this, right?" Too bad she didn't realize that when she blogged about her arrest.

I also like Jeremy's tales of whoa, about Lucky booting him from her car, because she was running late for a radio show. She made the poor fucker walk an hour home. I hope the poor bastard realizes HE'S the lucky one, since he got away from an abusive relationship.

I mean really, ho got into porn at 37. To me that seems like a down side move. It is a sign of washing out in the real world.

I think she is the real life version of the midget's wife in Bad Santa. Not as hot though.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral