Originally Posted By: Jerkules
If there was a mod that gave a shit about around here, all the forums would be chick friendly.
Perhaps a good point, but you need to consider the following:

1. This place went on a strong "whores don't get away with it
" policy for a long time. Way before you were here. Padova, Hillary, Cindy Crawford, plenty of them survived in the XPT, until some of the fags started shoo-shooing them out of this place, one by one you douches reduced this place to a sausage fest, complaining about porno whores day and night to the point where they never bother to come around here again.

2. If you have any doubts about this, take a look at the times XPT is quoted in other porn blogs. Loftus...nothing. Ross...nothing. Poonante...nothing. There is nothing notable about this palce because no one wants to post anything that is noteworthy.

Perhaps, if you turned this back into a discussion forum, rather than a shitty picpost, the board might resurrect itself.

Are you willing to put in the effort, or not?