Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
No. I guess I can't. At the price of being silenced, nope. But you can use the "w" word, so I suppose some of us are more equal than others. The hammer's the difference, yes?
We belonged to a wife swapping club who never had on- premises play events. The logic was that people having sex would scare away the new folks. A sex club that you couldn't have sex at because the new members of the sex club might be horrified by sex going on. Cue a mod to tell me this is nothing like that. And it won't be. The whuppin stick thing again.
But I've turned over a new leaf. Does she have a PayPal where I can help her with her "college"? Does she prefer cash or prizes? She's so beautiful and will be a wonderful mother. I wish she was my wife/ sister/ mom/ aunt/ girlfriend/ BFF. Stay strong, Parakeet.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE