Originally Posted By: Bornyo
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: Bornyo
Says you, and your opinion on music, the South, or me and my fellow Southerners is worthless.

Of course you don't care. Remember earlier when you said you could give a shit less if fags have the right to get married? You don't care about anything but you're self. You're a typical selfish conservative. If it doesn't directly concern you or you're own little world it doesn't exist.

And you are at the opposite end of the pendulum swing. You "care" about gay marriage and other social issues which do not affect or fall within the function/purpose/Constitution or mandate of the US Government because you think you, your ilk and government know best how to tell people to live their lives.

And when your retort is that "no, it's the opponents to gay marriage that are telling people how to live their lives" you pretty much jettison me from that group of conservatives you tried to lump me in with and your faulted argument with me falls apart.

I'd love to put all niggers back in chains, don't tell me how to live my life!
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.