Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Spitting on the sidewalk? Not crossing "t"s? The US overrun by mass murderers? Using the mail to buy weed? Hanging Bobby Jindall? I should just die? Do you people even listen to yourselves?

And what happened to agreeing to disagree? Or does that only happen when the folks who disagree with you have their thoughts...cleansed?

Look, I get that murderers should get aromatherapy while a tax cheat should be under the prison. I get it. Sadly, most of the rest of civilized folks think another way. Best get started on the nooses, CliChe. You'll need a bunch.

It's because you are NOT a civilized human being. You are a retched filthy dog. You remind me of the idiot neonazi 500 pound exterminator from american history x. You reap the benefits of people smarter and braver than you and me then turn around and shit all over it and not even realize you're doing it while shitting on it some more. You're exactly the kind of pudding brain the Hitlers and Stalins of the world mold to their will.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.