Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Prison is prison. Feel free to point the direction a prison utopia. Those countries we have black prisons in? Yeah, some human rights going on there.

Yeah, it's a bitch that prisons aren't comfortable, but they're really pretty easy to stay out of.

Varg's jail cell was bigger and has more amenities than your average housing project apartment. You can call Norway permissive liberal pussies but their country isn't overrun with mass murders like the US of "get tough on crime,crack some fucking skulls!!! A is. They're actually a civilized country instead of a right wing fucking toilet

Correct, you are. I'd totally forgotten about him. Hell, he recorded, what, 3 albums there? Altho I'm sure it was nicer than most housing projects because not keeping their areas clean meant time in the Hole...without a Posturepedic. Isn't this the same country where military service is compulsory and most homes have a machine gun in the closet? Probably made it easier for him to have a trunk full of H&Ks when he took his little walkabout. Could be wrong and I'm too lazy to google.

Overrun with mass murderers? Please. Let's try to not be so hysterical. Varg only murdered one guy, but had the serial arson thing down pretty well.

Why stick around if it's such a toilet? We all know why, of course.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE