Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Where did your computer that you're posting on come from? Where did your car come from? Liberia? Cuba?

Typical leftist arguing. Stalin was bad, but we did bad stuff too. That excuses it. We didn't do anything about Stalin, which somehow makes us culpable in his crimes. What could have been done, ace? Anything that could have been effective in stopping or slowing his crimes would be fodder for you today to whine about how bad we are.

History has proven you wrong.

Why the fuck do you keep insinuating that I'm trying to "excuse" anything stalin or any dictatorship has done? Why do you keep trying to equate absolute communism with European style socialism? You know creating a gigantic mostly capitalistic economy without letting the ultra rich power structure run completely amok? There has never and never will ever been this mythical "freemarket" that you are idolizing because the massive wealth consolidation will always close it's iron fist around everything to control the laws and circumstance of the populis.........You're trying to point out microsoft as the ideal corporation? A company which basically has acted more like a facist state or mafia to get where it is. it' sure as fuck wasn't by providing good products....You basically get socialist protection for the ultra rich and capitalism for everyone else.....you wouldn't have airlines trains or the internet without government funded programs....and to answer your previous question
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.