And you watch what again for your world view? I'm pretty sure the last Stossell thing I watched was when Dave Schultz bitch slapping him for axing if wrestling was real.

Didn't say anything about childlike Leftist ideology. Don't have the foggiest where you came up with that. But amazingly enough, you managed not to answer the questions. Again. Or have2cit's. For the first time. So I'll call you on that so you obfuscate around it again. Maybe you could tell us more about the "Shaw of Iran". Tommy Shaw? Clay Shaw? The Shawofiranshank Redemption? What does it say about your grasp on realpolitik that you seem to think the Pahlavi Dynasty was born in Ireland?

The fact is, Socialism, Communism, Communiry Organizing, whatever you want to call it, has been a failure every single place it's been tried. Sometimes that failure is benign. Less than adequate health care. High taxes. Sometimes the consequences are a bit more intense. But 5 people dead is a tragedy. 20 million is a statistic, no? But starving to death watching your crops be sent west isn't as romantic as a Che tshirt or listening to the Nightwatchman.

The questions still stand, but the answers don't start with "America did...". I'll be happy to discuss the foibles and excesses of capitalism. But that's not the subject at hand.

The questions still stand. Do try to answer them.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE