Its a gold mine that Wes is sitting on. Porn is constantly looking for new things with gagging , throat fucking,etc. Trying to get harder because they think it is better. Yet the new thing and quite possibly the future of porn has been there all along, going unnoticed by the industry. THE DICK DOG. Created and perfected by the man simply known as Wesley Pipes, current number 1 black male porn star and questionably the number 1 current male porn star in the world. A much underrated performer, wesley always manages to crank out great scenes getting the best out of the girls he works with , making them laugh and feel comfortable around him setting the tone for the scene. I'm not sure when he brought out the dick dog or how frequently he uses it, but it needs to be recognized more then it is at this moment. I suggest a dick dog line, All the scenes have the dick dog in them, granted you need a giant ball sack and it helps if you are rigged like a donkey i think it can catch on. If the minion can carve out a living for himself in the industry then the dick dog can thrive and live on, after the line i think we go all out with dick dog shirts, buttons and bumper stickers. It can be the new jesus is my homeboy fad shirt, with all the top celebs wearing the dick dog shirt. I'm not joking, well maybe about the shirts, buttons and stickers, but i think if we get the dick dog on the map then wes will get the attention and credit he deserves. Your thoughts people of the board and fans of the dick dog.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis