No, there were only two points of propaganda.

1. There was no purposeful deceit on the change from a new ice age to global warming theories. Real science has made them change their lies over time.

It will be interesting to see how CERN's latest studies on solar cloud formation makes them further refine the lies, once it has been slowly disseminated through out the scientific community.

2. The Gibson Guitar raid wasn't about environmentalism. It was part of Obamas crackdown on conservative owned businesses.

The so called illegal invasions/occupations have nothing to do with a free market economy. Those are just talking points socialists use to distract from the fact that there has never been an economic system that has raised so many people out of poverty or that has created and maintained a such a large middle class. Look what China has done with just a few free market reforms and yet they are still a mostly totalitarian government system.