If I have one issue with my cat, it's that she doesn't come when I call her name. And she's totally attached to me, too. When we're in the same room, she watches every move I make, follows me when I leave the room, waits outside the door when I'm in the bathroom and even reaches her front paws underneath the door to try to pull herself under the door or something.

When I leave the house, she runs to the window next to the door and watches me drive off. And she runs to the door when I get home and claws the front door rug along with me as I'm wiping my feet. But right now, I'm watching T.V. downstairs, she's upstairs and when I call her name... nothing. Oh well, cats is cats.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.