Originally Posted By: Monica Foster
Unfortunately for many of you there will not be many pornstar escorts left soon due to greedy LA pornographers having realized their DVD, VOD and website membership sales (and traffic) increase when I pornstar dies (and of course the method of death most preferred by the LA porn peeps for the cattle is suicide).

The guy who runs IsAnyoneUp.com let the cat out of the bag. Details can be found here:

Porn News Today - Greedy LA pornographer...ading the way?)

Even the most popular of pornstars are worth more dead now days than alive - the proof and truth is out there (and screen capped). Come to think of it, many of you out there at home could cash in on this trend - just clone Tompkin's website and start harassing - if he cashed out now he'd have around $20K
Says the broke nig hooker who can't write in complete sentences.