"Thats how it worked for Bret, Shawn, Stone Cold, Rock, and even Hunter himself."

Right there is what you have to compare HHH to. What ever order you put those 4 contemporaries in, HHH is fifth. All 4 of those guys can put on a decent match with anyone, and HHH needs to be carried. That is why those Steiner matches sucked, and the Nash ones. Besides the backstage politics, if a guy couldn't carry him in the ring, HHH sandbags what little he does to make the opponent look even worse.

It also disgusts me that they try to play him up to be a modern day Flair. Just cause you fuck the owner's daughter, so you've had the strap so many times, don't make you Flair. In a week, Flair would put out top quality matches against a wider variety of opponents than HHH sees in 6 months. Flair never got the belt because they had no one else to put it on. FLAIR NEVER NEEDED A GAY FUCKING SLEDGEHAMMER TO GET OVER.

Flair sucks HHH's balls and strokes his ego, because with HHH in his pocket, he'll always be able to pull a paycheck. I guaran-fucking-tee, that if you got Flair away from the cameras and had the right amount of Kamakazees and cocaine, he'd sing a different tune about Stephie's Bitch.

I love the fact that HHH is ENORMOUSLY jealous of Austin and the Rock still. Hunter is B+ to A- talent, and that is only because of the family push he gets. Fuck him.

P.S. Of the guys he tanked pushes on, I'd take Angle, Booker T or Jericho, in there prime, over HHH, if I was starting a promotion tomorrow.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral