A friend told me about winning something on a different message board, so I got to thinking about running a contest here, and this is what I've come up with.

Tomorrow night between 11pm and midnight EST, I am going to put up 10 pairs of tits and you have to guess what whore they belong to. The thread will be Locked and Stickied. You will have to PM me your answers. Anyone fucking it up by dropping answers in other threads, is probably looking at 30 days in the box. I can't guarantee that, but I'm hoping.

The first PM with all the correct answers will be declared the winner, and the contest over. If no one gets a perfect score, then the contest will close Sunday evening at 7PM EST, and the earliest PM with the most correct will win.

To keep random a-holes from creating alts to submit entries, you will need 50+ posts in order to be eligible. Also, your first PM will be the only one accepted. No changing answers later on. Since PMs max out at 200, I guess that is all the entries that will be accepted.

Prize will be a month on Generizer.com, which I hope the winner will review over in Website talk.

Gen and XPT have nothing to do with this contest, I'm just doing it for fun, with $10 out of my pocket.

I know some of you have total recall with whores, so I will not be providing names to match to the pics. I used all name whores, either here or in porn in general. The photos have been cropped, and Google search is useless with them. Only hints you'll get is one is a popular whore from years gone by, one was a semi regular here, and one is a euro whore.

It is a trail run. There may be some kinks I'm over looking, but if it generates interest and runs smoothly, I may try more.

Look for Guess Them Titties tomorrow between 11pm and midnight EST.