

Several months ago, Jeff Mike from JM Productions and I made a bet on who would get banned first from ADT.

Well that's not exactly what went down.Me,Wanker and Jules Jordan where talking about ADT and I told them how I had received several e-mails from someone there warning me about my posts.(Don't cuss,don't call sluts whores,try to be more pc,wha,wha,wha)and I told them that those Nazi fucks would probably kick me off before weeks end.They disagreed and told me that it would never happen,if fact Wanker bragged about how he was always talking mad shit and had never even been warned about it.Couple of days pass and I get the boot.I did not try to get kicked off,I was just being myself.When I look back on it,im sure I was ejected because of the comments I made to Tricia.Looks to me like see is the puppet master over there.Flame her and its all over for you.

You tell em Jeff. Fuck ADT