I will never ever live down the mailman thing. Definitely reached my highest level of failure. But on the other hand, it's stuck in Claude's mind. Not sure what that means, other than goofy stuff gets stuck in the head and it's hard to stop it. Wait until my bank drive thru rant.

Dedicated threads with hundreds of thousands of views is how "most interesting" is defined? Maybe by you, N, but I think it's probably a little more subjective than that. For the record, I don't think I'm interesting. I'm really boring, but I like to write. If someone reads it, takes something from it, or if it just adds to the discussion, that's more than I ask for.

Nate, if anyone is a one trick pony here, it's you. The forum's boring, we're not smart, none of this interests you. OK. Again, it's a subjective thing. I don't think any of us see ourselves as intellectuals, although several of have our fake internet licenses in several disciplines. We're just a bunch of people who've come together and discuss stuff. Nothing more, nothing less. And I don't think anyone's trying to impress anyone. I'm not sure if trying to impress folks and simple intellect equals interesting.

So, this leads us to you, Nate. What are you bringing to the proceedings? A lot of complaints. Some videos. Some pics. Hooray for you, chum. But that's about it. You've done nothing to "improve" the situation other than bitch and moan. You've gotten a reaction. But that doesn't equal interesting.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE