Oh yeh, and you won't be up to speed unless you BUY lair of the shadowbroker. One of the ME2 DLCs. If you ask me rather than trying to raise money for a new ending they should never ever buy bioware games.

Same gripe I had with dragon age. You shouldn't need to buy DLC to get the story of a game. And Bioware is BAD for this.

I'm walking in the forest in Dragon Age. I see a guy get attacked and I go to search the body/help.

On the screen pops a message telling me I can spend x bioware points to start that quest!!!

Talk about breaking any immersive feelings I was having about the game.

Also I am a PC gamer so dicking around with points is way more of a pain in the ass. It takes me out of the game to a browser to a log in to a store etc.

And point systems are just as insulting as arcade tokens. Sure I can spend them but the business ALREADY has my money even if I don't manage to spend the exact amount of points I purchased.

Edited by cqd (03/17/12 12:54 PM)