Instead of cluttering up Jerkule's thread with a bunch of illustrations, I'm starting my own thread, which is probably going to be mostly art related to comic books and strips, with some paintings, animation stills, and spot illustrations thrown in for good measure. First up, something I posted earlier today on a different thread:

Back in the day, Arthur Adams used to draw the hottest looking X-babes this side of John Byrne:

And he definitely hasn't lost his touch:

In fact, I think he has improved dramatically since he made his debut. I don't think he would have attempted bare feet like that back in the late eighties or early nineties.

Edited by nassim (03/03/12 06:25 PM)
I think she's hot, hot, hot and that gives her vagina tattoo bonus points. The cat-nose-and-whiskers, though, makes me wonder. That doesn't seem like a smart tattoo at all.

-- Rear Admiral