Originally Posted By: tattypatty
"Total bullshit. 81 has not wanted any kind of war after Quebec. They are killing one another because they are fucking animals. They poison any environment they inhabit. At least the viets, lebs etc. had the decency to hold down jobs and assimilate. Listen to the vid again. 70% employment rate? In my 24 years in the biz, not one somalian has ever applied for a job.

Apologies if I came off sounding trollish. I suspect we're more of the same mind on immigration than my comment might have let on. I find it faster to read something than to watch something, so I googled "somalia alberta" and read a Toronto Star article about the murders in Alberta. Yeah, I know it leans left, and stupid left at that.

I've traveled enough to know that not everybody shares the same values, and if you drop a bunch of kids who have spent most of their life lolling around, kicking a soccer ball, chewing khat, and getting whatever work they find through family connections back in the old country, it ain't going to be a recipe for success in their new country, regardless of whether they are up against themselves or the Hell Angels.

Last time I was back in Canada, waiting on a visa application, I was sitting around with a bunch of co-workers, one of whom had brought her Serbian boyfriend. I enjoyed talking with him, but you could tell the women in the table were getting uncomfortable.

On the one hand, they liked how "multi-kultural" the scene was, but on the other hand "Dimitar" had some opinions that weren't very progressive. I thought it was funny that they never thought of the potential consequences 10 or 20 years down the road. What if "Dimitar" and his buddies think there are too many people running around in hijabs or Sanjay and Mohammed bring their feud that goes back 500 + years with them? Not exactly a recipe for social cohesion, no?

Edited by nassim (03/01/12 07:01 AM)
I think she's hot, hot, hot and that gives her vagina tattoo bonus points. The cat-nose-and-whiskers, though, makes me wonder. That doesn't seem like a smart tattoo at all.

-- Rear Admiral