Originally Posted By: cqd
Also Fartz, keep on the lookout for Postal 3 on the console. It get's horrible reviews but it's a blast. I get the sens the reviewers weren't willing to admit they like juvenile humor and wanted to try to be snooty.

It's silly and it's fun and nowhere near as awful as Duke Nukem for never.

Runs on the source engine instead of number 2 which ran on the unreal engine.

Highly recommended.

Well, sometimes, you pay for your reviews in other media, so proof or not, I've no reason to believe games are any different. How can reviewers hate the juvenile humor in Postal, but go on to praise the living hell out of the uber-juvenile humor in Saints Row 3?

I think bigger publishers have the ability to grease the right wheels when it comes to reviews. Alpha Protocol got downright slammed in the fucking reviews, and I keep reading post after post of gamers amoungst various forums of how cool it is and worth the money, despite a few bugs and bad design choices.

Is Valve involved in Postal 3, or did they just license out their engine?

I'm really looking forward to The Witcher 2 finally coming to console. I hear it's taking some strong graphical hits, but is still shaping up nicely, but then again, all the PC reviews I've read for that game had the same sentiments that the story and dialogue drive a somewhat glitchy gameplay experience, so much so that it earned perfect 10 scores for story and dialogue alone.

Edited by fartz (02/05/12 07:07 AM)