Originally Posted By: Pipe Dream
In another rave surrounding gun control laws he more more than less told his audience that, jumped up on ritalin, he'd shoot anyone storming into his house. It might just have been his brand of idiocy. Or not. It's all laughable and completely crazy with this guy.
His lunacy gist could be written up in a small paragraph. He constantly repeats himself. He thinks human and canine psychology are really close. His repressed language whenever anything comes close to sexuality as a topic is interesting. His Christian connection to the guy upstairs as well. Like doing his work and so on. Yet he bashes others proclaiming the same. The anti-gay tirades are enlightening.
One of his nightmares could be this: The globablists' minions finally breach his home to rape his family in front of him repeatedly, all the while giving them vaccine shots he just knows to cause cancer, HPV and HIV and then move on to waterboarding with fluoridated water.
Alternative media. No. Just seriously batty.

You should be proud of that rant^^^. Waterboarding with fluoridated water wrapped it up beautifully. You, sir, are a poet.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE