
Did that bat hurt? How did you prepare: Astroglide or Penzoil? how much did you get paid or did Sketter use his pimp power over you?

1) i used vaseline and Alex Sander's fist. he was nice enough to lend it to me.
2) i brought my own bat. Skeeter didn t know about the bat until i took it off my bag and told him "i m doing it!"
3) it was supposed to be a DP. It ended up, on my willing (and nobody ever told me to do anything in this scene) in a DP, double vaginal, double anal, fisting and anal bat, with raging deep-throating, spanking, slapping...
pretty much everything you don t see on a vivid flick.
4)i got paid my rate for the scene in dollars and screaming multiple orgasms.
"your size, and below.." Patricia Petite , to Pariah .