Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
I've got both actually. The WCCW one brings back memories because ESPN was running their shows in the heyday. I think, with the benefit of hindsight, Fritz comes off as a person. And people make mistakes. It doesn't make them essentially good or evil. Shades of gray, I guess. Fritz was from my dad's generation, and they just saw the world differently. Add to it he was a jock, and seemed to be the worst kind of jock dad. You remember the ones in school. "If you don't win, don't bother coming home" was the one a teammate's dad hollered at a junior high basketball game. Just bump that up to a national/ international level and mix in that it's the business that feeds the family. There was an assload of pressure on them all. Plus being a pretty drugged up lockerroom. All pretty typical of family run territories, but then you throw in that they were running the promotion as a quasi- ministry. Those kids were God in Denton County. It all just leads to bad juju.
The part that is a mindfuck for me was Gary Hart talking about Geno. I mean, when I was in junior high and TBS got added to our cable, Gary Hart was the evilest of evil managers. He called Dusty by his real name. That made it all real. So to see how really haunted he was by Geno's death, that many years later, really threw me for a loop.
WCCW is a sad story. I remember after the last one killed himself (Chris or Kerry...I don't remember) and Doris left Fritz, Fritz was on a mainstream show...or maybe the 700 Club...he was a broken man. And he knew the end was just on the horizon. He basically admitted that everything he KNEW to be right, with the exception of his faith, was just wrong. Had to be a rough bit of insight for someone who had always controlled everything around them.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE