Originally Posted By: Smokey part deux
Sorry I thought I was on a porn board, not a 'recite what you heard this morning on one of the laughably biased 'NEWS' channels

Oh fuck how bout that, upon further review, all y'all can go fuck yourselves. Whip your Unimpressive political penises out in WHOP or better yet, at the business end of a firing squad in the middle east. You aren't brilliant, clever, interesting, or awesome (like me), but most importantly you aren't talking about tits and ass, pussy, or porn in any way

The mistake was yours to assume this board, or any other is (enter your assumption here). We all know what it means when we "assume", don't we? No, we're a little broader than porn. Sorry if that's a letdown, G, but we are what we are. Don't like, don't read. Pretty simple stuff. You weren't asked to come here and no one will care if you leave. Not trying to be harsh, but living up to a new poster's expectations isn't our job.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE