Originally Posted By: amberraynefan

10. SAVED THE US AUTO INDUSTRY . Seriously, he did. By recognizing that sometimes you need to step in and interrupt the "INVISIBLE HAND", The President brought life back to an important U.S. industry

P.S. - BTW, did I mention he got Bin Laden?

The Auto industry bailout wasn't entirely benevolent. By taking over GM & Chrystley, he was able to single out dealerships to close based on their political contributions. They basically shut down the dealers that didn't support Obama. Quoting WND:

"WND reviewed the list of 789 closing franchises and databases of political donors and found that of dealership majority owners making contributions in the November 2008 election, less than 10 percent gifted to Democrats while 90 percent gave substantial sums to Republican candidates."


And, as far as killing Bin Laden goes, I think Obama would kill anyone on the planet if he thought it'd help him get re-elected. If he could off Rush Limbaugh or everyone at Fox News, I have no doubt that he would. I also have no doubt that the Seal team could have taken Bin Laden alive, but they were ordered to assassinate him, which isn't an especially American thing to do.

Of course, if they had captured him, they couldn't really have effectively questioned him for info since our interrogators now how their hands completely tied. BTW, they never would have found Bin Laden without the waterboarding of Kalid Sheikh Mohammed, which took place while Bush was in office. I believe they only later found out that they could effectively get useful info from him by bribing him with buckets of fried chicken, hence his CIA nickname: "KFC."