Did anyone see that documentary on the Sundance Channel: Sex Magic: Manifesting Maya. I wanted to seriously torture the guy the doc was about. He is a 50 something hippie who continuously babbles New Age bullshit about tantric love. His gimmick is that he is a poly-amorous sexual healer.

He gets broads to pay him to fuck them for healing purposes. It appears that only somewhat attractive broads that get the full "treatment". He lives in a "temple" where there are also women sexual "healers" plying their trade to help sexually dysfunctional men. I am guessing he gets a cut of their take.

He feels he must have many lovers, but his many lovers shouldn't have any but him. Then he finds his soul mate and loses her. So he begins to obsess about getting her back. He goes by the name Baba Dez.

After a little googling, I find out out that the tantric "temple" he is running in Sedona, AZ was recently busted for prostitution. Apparently this documentary got the ball rolling on that by alerting a bunch of people what was going on there.
"I'm a minor character in my own story", Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson in 24 Hour Party People