Originally Posted By: Steezo
^^^ I think that was a compliment, so thank you. Really, you said it all when you said the pies have that "here-it-is-je-ne-se-quoi." I'm not a chef, I just like to cook. But my technique of cooking food has reached a point where what I cook has a distinct flavor and tastes like something that was cooked by ME. It just has that certain "here-it-is-je-ne-se-quoi." So, thanks again.

Btw, if I lived somewhere other than Alaska, I'd have a wood-burning pizza oven and would be cranking out pies that could hang with the best of them. No New York water for me. Just Dasani filtered, bottled water. I'd use local tap water, but I've heard that fluoride can mess with the yeast.

Sir, I've fed Gian Jerkins octopus. You can be sure it's a compliment.

As to the water, though, it's an indisputable fact. Growing up in NYC, you always hear it anecdotally. But I wound up living in haight-ashbury selling acid to hippie tourists* for a few months in the early '90s (LONG story) and, yadda-yaadda-yadda there's this place on Haight called Escape From New York Pizza.

I walk in there and find out it's run by an ex-cop from Brooklyn who knows exactly what he's doing (as I'm talking to himself) and he says 'try this.' I take a slice, I look at him, he looks at me and we nod, 'cause it's that thing we always hear about...

"It's the water."

*My employers, throughout the years, have always been aware of this, for those who wanna rake muck...