Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
These are pizzas you made, Steezo?

Originally Posted By: Steezo
Yeah, I made all of those. Pizza is my hobby and...

...and I don't need to hear anything else.

Some on this board know that when I was a young pervert, I paid my way through school cooking, and, yes, that included spinning pies in NYC.

Thousands of 'em.

The best goddamned pies in the world come out of NYC, but, after years of talking with expatriate pizza chefs, I've concluded that the rumor is true: It's the water. Just like the fucking bagels.

Having said that, Steezo's homemade efforts look, well, goddamned good from my practiced eye, and a damned sight better than what Gunker used to post.

Are they picture perfect? No. But he ain't claiming it. What they've got, though, is that here-it-is-je-ne-se-quoi what buries Panzer Pies, any day.