Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
We've gotten into store brand frozen lasagnas when we go to see the Pot Snobs of Pend Orielle County. No prep. Throw them in the oven and continue smoking. Next round I'll start doing some reviews.

Pend Oreille County! Talk about getting away from it all. Is that pot-snob country?

I'm not totally sure if they're in PO county, but you probably get the general idea. It's like the guys on Moonshiners. Back to the Earthers with some meth cooks and addicts thrown in for flavor. Some real characters. I'm actually kind of putting together notes for a book, cuz some of these folks are something else. Everyone and their uncle are growing. Not a lot of boutique strains, but some fine product. The people we hang with don't grow, but folks are always slipping them weed. And they're such snobs. When there's no more green in the bowl, they're done with it. It's an "ass hit...load another one". And I'm horrified, because I smoke until there's nothing left to burn. Fucking pot5 snobs.

Yeah, it's getting away fror me. It's not quite going to Nelson, BC, but it's a close second. My cell doesn't work, no one hassles me. No one even really knows where I am. Couldn't live there. I like delivered Thai food too much. But when the world is kicking my balls harder than usual it's a nice fortress of solitude, as it were.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE