I'd like to take a moment this Christmas to air a grievance. If you have to explain who said what to whom, it DOES NOT belong in QOTD. Shouldn't be your fscking sig, either. (I'm looking right at YOU, Eric, since you're the progenitor of this trend.)

If it needs context, then provide it within the quote. Quote more if you have to. Make it self-evident. Thus:

"Monica, you should go to your Twitter account and read all of your tweets concerning Julie Meadows. After a careful review, I think you will agree with the consensus that you are batshit crazy. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Having said that, I would still like to shag the shit out of you. You are one hot Nubian queen. The only thing that would be better is a three-way with you and Julie Meadows.



"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?" --- NitneLiun, on Monica being Monica.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,
