It was his son who got on his computer, checked his bookmarks and found ADT to make the post. I never got DenverDon's full story but he was one of a very small handful of posters over there with Admin access. Maybe him and one other besides Drew and Steph. Someone hacked his computer one day while he ran out to buy smokes and they wreaked havoc- collected everyone's passwords and possibly tried those passwords against those users similarly named accounts elsewhere. I never heard too much about damage done beyond their board but suppose there may have been some.
I was a suspect for a brief moment in the hijack, because the hacker logged him/herself into my account at ADT and sniffed around a little bit. I give Drew a lot of credit for exercising restraint with me to figure it out and conclude I had nothing to do with that.
The story was that Stepiecunt kept an excel file of all usernames and passwords. Because most of the whores were too stupid to remember their usernames and passwords, so they could e-mail someone when they wanted to log in. The log file would get passed around if either Staph or Drew were going to be away. So it was entrusted to Denver Don.
After Don's computer got hacked, they fired his ass as fast as they could. And when the news of his death trickled into ADT, there was some weird omerta where you couldn't talk about it at the risk of getting banned.
I called Drew on it and got a hearty "fuck you" reply, the sad little cuckold.