Pizzazz device is Presto. We used to sell a lot of Presto items in Macy's in the $20-$40 range. It was popular 50% or so discount brand that used to do well during ODS and similar promos. It's a brand that is targeted to people that come shopping to Macy's on a train and that frequently buy pillows during ODS. If you buy at least 2 pillows on sale at Macy's then Presto-branded items are 80% likely for you [IMHO].

It really depends what your view of real pizza is. For me real pizza means real cheese (not that imitation crap that doesn't melts in the oven), real pizza sauce made with real tomatoes (not that pizza sauce that is made from apples and plums and flavored and dyed to taste like tomatoes), and a decent crust.

Pizza was designed as a cheap food affordable by dable to the masses, and I think that the manufacturing of the pizza should not be that complicated either. As long as real cheese, real sauce and the tasty taste is there; it is real pizza to me.

By the way, what do you think about the 2 Bros Pizza?

Since we are talking about pizzas here, then I got a preview of the next pizza review/battle:

It will be The Battle of the House Brands of individual pizza: team Food Basics (Waldbaum's/PathMark) vs team Stop & Shop. 3 pizza selections/toppings: cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza and supreme/deluxe. Who will win? Who will lose? Stay tuned to find out in the next 1-3 days.

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