Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Saying you know too much? Where? You only refer to performers from 04-05. That's far from knowing too much. Snarky...google it, if you know what google is. It's probably too modern for you.
Look pal, you're a huge fail on here. Go back to 22nd and Market and make some money for your Daddy before he trades you off.
You didn't answer my previous argument here...how will you cure this glaring contradiction?

I really don't care. You, however, seem to have some enormous emotional investment in the name "faceblaster." I guess, in some sort of demented way, that might mean something to someone. Heck, my username, you can change it to whatever. But you get so butt-hurt about your name being misused, that you jump into some internet hypoxiam just apopletic over the whole thing.

Go ahead and take some time to look up those words. Tick tock.

And once finally. you mentioned "22nd & Market." I didn't know where that was, so I took a chance and used your new-found Google. They said it was either a fag-hang in SFO, or some dump in Philly. Thanks for being real specific about it. In your next lame post, please clarify.

Post = will be lame.