Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
Alex, since you like frozen pizza as a subset of frozen foods in general, online shopping, AND kitchen clutter, I'd like to suggest you splurge for a Pizzazz Pizza Oven (available at Amazon.com and other fine resellers), and let us know how it works for you.

It's $39.95 or something, but it's designed specifically for frozen pizzas. Looks like it's got halogen heating elements on the top and bottom, and rotates the pizza in front of and away from the heating elements to warm and crisp it. The neat thing is the way it cooks the pizza in an open-air environment. The Pizzazz Pizza Oven gets great reviews, which is also a surprise.

Thanks for the product info. I really like the idea of this device but my kitchen is super-cluttered, I am even thinking of selling my griddler because it takes too much space. When I will have a bigger kitchen then I will buy it, I can even get it for free with my Amazon Rewards. My kitchen is really small, it is around 6'x8' feet. Checkout my new TGIF review of Prime Rib Stroganoff and be sure to checkout my product reviews on Amazon.