Originally Posted By: LouCypher
i blame all the Bi attention on brandon for not keeping the knox account in regular rotation.

and why is someone bitching about brandon catching heat in his own obvious troll thread?. if anything brandon should be pissed that he's only got a couple posters shitkicking him at this point.
Brandon Irons got banned from XPT years ago for creating aliases, and then being enough of a shitbag that they started talking to each other. Anyone remember Bornyo catching him with Monsieur, or Lord Ausmus? The only reason he is a mod is because he begged for it from Jeff as part of his distribution deal. Otherwise, we would be as unwelcome here as PAFH or Donkey Long.

Again...medical advice for Brendan: suicide. Medical advice for Hillary: an industrial drum of penicillin and 500 Valtrex.