I have a new understanding of the entire situation, and its scope is truly astounding.

Here is some background information on the missing DA that failed to prosecute Sandusky back in 1998. Cliff notes: He disappeared and his car was found locked with his cell phone inside. Two months later, his laptop was found at the bottom of the Susquehanna River, with the hard drive missing. Couple months after that the HD was found along the its banks, but was too damaged to get any info from.

Gricar vanished April 15, 2005, two weeks after a press conference announcing a huge drug bust. The March 31, 2005 press release from the office of State Attorney General Tom Corbett relates, "'This is the largest heroin operation that we have ever seen in Centre County,'

Some people suspect CIA involvement. But for the wrong reasons. You may scoff at the thought of the CIA doing much of anything in Bumfuck, PA, but thanks to Scooter Libby and the Bush II administration, we know they have a presence there.

So what we have here is a pedophile, whose charity is rumored to be a whore house for little boys, missing DA, Drugs, and the CIA. So obviously, the CIA was taking Afghan smack to Center County, using the proceeds to fund a sham charity to get underage boys to use as bait in DC politician Pedo/Sex Parties.

A quick search of the PA Missing Persons list doesn't display a concentration of missing boys from the PSU area, so they must be heavily drugged during the trip to DC and the parties. Or they could be returned home and meet accidental deaths shortly after. Unless the Men In Black "mind eraser" device is real and Will Smith is involved!!??!! He is from PA....

In any event all you need to take from this is Pedos, Drugs, CIA, and missing DA. You can come to your own conclusions. In addition, if Sandusky is found hanging in his shed or garage, you'll know the government was involved.

Well, that is my attempt to start a conspiracy theory. It might not be a NY Times quality piece, but I might be able to get some work at the Weekly World News.

P.S. PA seems to be a dumping ground for government attorneys. I'll have to read more of this.

P.P.S JoePa is an old dago from Brooklyn, so lets throw the mob in there to. Yeah, the guy selling smack and coke was black, but we all know that the drugs don't get to the ghetto by themselves. The black gangs are just a tool of the mob. Like in the Sopranos, when they had the blacks do their hits, unless it was a made guy. And so I don't have to hear Tritone say "that's an Asian name," there he is, over the guys shoulder, he's black. And he was running a crew of white junkies, dude was a throw away for sure. He's doing 30-60years now for his efforts.

Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral