Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
I hate the "Bully Ray" gimmick. I think the costume, mostly, followed quickly by the "Bully" part. That said, Bubba is a legit tough guy, and a heat machine when he's in the groove. And he's in the groove right now. Enough that I can easily overlook the costume.
I love delusional crazy. A good heel should believe that everything they do is justified. It's a method acting sort of thing, but it makes the gimmick believable.
I've never seen SHIMMER. I'm going to go find more on them. I meant TNA had the best Women's group in the states. Japan never counts. They're so far beyond anything that gets done here they're not even in the same league.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE