Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Muta was God as far as I was concerned. I enjoyed watching Kabuki more, because he had a really odd style. Very slow, kind of disjointed pace. A little like watching the Original Sheik. But Muta was such a fantastic technician.
Kendall was terrible. He had a bad build for a "tough guy". Greg Gagne was the same way. He looked like my insurance guy. How do you take that seriously?
I'm really starting to enjoy TNA again. Taking the focus off Hogan. Putting thetrap on Storm was a real shock. I was sort of figuring he'd heel turn on Roode, and was pleasantly surprised he didn't. I can see some fun drama if the rest of Fortune gets jealous or Storm gets a big head.
The Bischoff kid is interesting. It's kind of a unique storyline. Usually the dad is the redeemed heel trying to steer the heel kid away from the mistakes the dad made. Bill Dundee/ Jaimee Dundee went that way. But having the dad remain evil, the kid being a babyface, and dad trying to force him to be evil is a nice twist. Let's try to not ruin it, shall we? Putting the kid in a program with Flair should help to bring him along nicely.
On the other hand, I don't give 2 shits about Jeff Hardy and his endless apology tour. He's not a good heel. His best role is that of a weirdo good guy.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE