Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/17/11
Posts: 622
Originally Posted By: backdoorman
Heh I'm not diabetic. [at least not yet] I have reactive hypoglycemia. My insulin kicks my ass if I overload on carbs and sometimes it dosn't really take much at all. Taters and beans wear me out ! It's good to be able to have a glass of wine in the evening though. Giving up beer is almost impossible for me. I love it !
Reactive hypoglycemia is a result of improper dietary habits. What works for you may not for others and vice versa. Often times an imbalance of miro-flora may be the cause for improper assimilation during the digestive process. Eating ample amounts of protein, tons of fiber (berries and veggies)and keep your complex carb intake to the size of the palm of your hand until you have it under control; all the while taking at least 8 billion of a probiotic should be sufficient enough to feel and notice a difference within a few days to a week.
Also take into consideration what you are eating or have eaten at least an hour prior to drinking beer that makes you spike.
Eating healthy vs. eating shitty and drinking are huge differences from one another. You will see once you do this.